(not in order of importance)
The Museum of Science and Industry
Growing Power
iO Theater and Classes
Annoyance Theater
My Bicycle
I have now logged aver 30 hours of volunteer time at the museum, primarily dissecting eyeballs and owl pellets. Let me explain- I work in the Guest Programs department where we conduct 2 labs, one is owl pellet dissection and the other is cow eyeball dissection. In the owl pellet lab, guest extract rodent and other owl meal skeletons from the ball of hair and bone vomit the owls cough up. In the eyeball dissection, using scalpel and scissors we take apart an eyeball and examine everything from the lens and optic nerve to the vitrious humor and tepedum. I know a hell of a lot more about eyeball anatomy then when I started.
So that’s the where and what now I want to tell you why and how. Well as you know I’ve chosen to live in Chicago for the summer because it’s the greatest US city and I have lots of friends here. The job front however has not been kind and though I’ve signed up with a temp agency the only income I have received has been from dog walking. Volunteering at the museum allows for several favorable outcomes. One is simply to occupy my time in a place I enjoy (surrounded by science exhibits I get to geek out plenty). Two it’s opened up a whole new social avenue and I’m making friends with the staff and interns, awesome for networking. Also I get a handy discount at the museum store so if you have any requests get them in now ;). I love that I got to know the museum so well these last few months and when I get a chance I’ll come back to volunteer too. Trick in my back pocket.
Growing Power is a non-profit based out of Milwaukee with Chicago operations run by the founders daughter Erica. The founder is Will Allen and he was recently awarded a McArthur Genius award. Growing Power is an urban farming non-profit that provides up-scale restaurants with local organic food.
I’ve also been volunteering with them at various plots and helping at some of the school gardens they support. I’ve done everything from weeding to composting to harvesting, but mostly moving compost. I’ll tell you what though, on a sunny day in Chicago there is no place I would rather be then in Grant park by Buckingham fountain pulling weeds and planting beds of veggies. I also have signed up with their CSA program and receive fruits and veggies from them once a week. It only costs me $9 and saves me a hell of a lot of shopping time.
The iO theater is the home of long form improvisational theater. I’ve now completed my class there under the terrific tutelage of Craig Ehuler. My best description of improv is pretend for grownups. Luckily the performances are good enough and thought provoking and edgy enough to make it a performance art. You cannot comprehend the amount of fresh material, which is amazing, that gets played out only once on those stages, never to be performed again if only in the memories of those who saw it. While taking classes, which run $260 some dollars for 8 weeks (24hours) students are able to go see the shows being put on for free. As far as I’m concerned I made a total savings of over $260. The classes also allowed me to meet the aspiring new generation of actors and improvisers. They are a good bunch so get ready world.
I’ve joined a juggling club here in Chicago and the caliber of juggler is very high. I’m way outdone but it’s great because I’m learning a ton. We meet every Monday at the gym, the Broadway Armory, which is close by where I live (it’s at Broadway and Thorndale and
So that’s 6, there were many more influences though, like visiting Milwaukee, piano lessons, StartingBloc meet ups, great Chicago food and the list goes on. My conclusion still is that Chicago is the greatest US city.
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