Falling behind is never good when blogging, the details begin to get fuzzy and so the wit does not quite cut as deep, since it is lacking details. So I've decided I'll see if my story makes sense and fabricate the rest.

My life in Paris can be characterized into 4 sectors. First there is my desk job at MARS Drinks. Yes, it's a chocolate company but they also produce coffee's and teas specifically for their machine. Anyone in the single serve coffee business knows, profit is made off the packets. So that's sector one. Sector two is home life with the Cs. I've been asked to keep their identities anonymous. Please understand though, they are the sweetest uniquely French couple you could encounter. I really lucked out as far as accommodations go (and I'll tell you all about it in a sec). Sector three is solo exploits, when I can't bare to be in this city and not go out and experience it (crepes, accordions and drunks). And sector four is exploits with friends, the bulk of which, thus far, have been with Miwa when she came to visit.

So first let me tell you about MARS Drinks France, and my work. I can't tell you all because there are trade secrets and I paid enough attention in my law class to stay out of trouble at least. I can say that the French people I work with are very nice, work hard, and very few speak English. Luckily my boss Giles can speak English and the other intern, AW, speaks English as well and my French is coming along. Giles and AW help me through the day and with communications with other folks in the office. My commute to work takes between 45 min to an hour and a half, depending on who I get a ride with. The MARS office is out by the Charles de Gaul airport and luckily it's a reverse commute because the Paris traffic is terrible. The work has it's ups and downs, besides being in Paris I'd say it's what you would expect a summer internship to be, lots of cold calls, some travel, and all the coffee you can drink.
Sector two of my life is living in a flat near the Arch de Triomph and the Champs Elysee in Paris, France. What a marvelous experience and the fact that I'm renting from a retired couple, that are so amazing they should be written about, only makes it better. Some background on Madam and Monsieur C.

Sector three, my solo exploits into the city and surrounding area. Some successful and some not so much. I am happy to say that I'm a regular in the local bakery, wine shop, deli, and sandwich stand.

There is something about carrying your bottle of wine and baguette here in Paris that just feels so right.

Sector four is adventures with friends. I hope to add more to these but for right now they were mainly just a visit from Miwa, which was great. We ate at 2 great restaurants and got some cultural learning at another. The first restaurant was Chez Julian, and I highly recommend it. Outdoor seating by the Siene with the occasional accordianist setting the mood just perfectly. Monsuer and Madame C took us to an auction that was really a unique experience, especially in France. We took a boat ride on the Siene with champagne and a crepe. The second restaurant was Cafe del Homme, very modern with a DJ flipp'n the wax and a full on view of the Eiffel Tower. Yes, Miwa and I had a great French weekend.

So, this is my new life and I have many more experiences and travels coming up. Wish me well and please tell me dishes that I must have. I had my first fois grais at lunch the other day and it was soft, much like the forehead of a japote. Another great marketing scheme, much like the Mona Lisa. BOOM